型番 FR008
販売価格 3,650円(税込)

Eusebeia / The Drizzle - FR008 (Future Retro) 12inch
Tim Reaper's Future Retro初荷揚げ!
”Around the time when Meeting Of The Minds Vol. 7 came out, which had "Togetherness" by me & Eusebeia on it, he sent me some more music for the label, with Awe being one of the tunes he sent. I liked them all but "Awe" was by far my favourite of the bunch and I knew I needed to have that for Future Retro London. When it came down to people I thought would be good for remixing "Awe", Equinox was the first that came to mind. I'm a huge fan of his music, old & new and he had previously done a wicked remix of a tune me & Dwarde had released on the Globex Corp series. "Unruly (Hit The Deck!)" is by The Drizzle, a producer who has released previously on Future Retro London but chooses to be anonymous for this track, due to the samples used. They sent me the tune and I loved it, I knew it was right for the label and when I asked DJ Sofa to do a remix and she sent me what she'd done, it sealed the deal for me. Big thanks to all the artists involved on this release, whoever they may be...”

A1 Eusebeia - Awe
A2 Eusebeia - Awe (Equinox Remix)
B1 The Drizzle - Unruly (Hit The Deck!)
B2 The Drizzle - Unruly (Hit The Deck!) (DJ Sofa Remix)


bitowa - Septemba EP


【推薦盤】毎度オナジミ八王子発道程レコーズのレーベルから届いた七作目は、「A Cult...」に参加していたbitowaによる浮遊感が気持ちいい、エレクトロニック・ディープハウス逸品。タイムレスな響きあり。今回も名工Poleがマスタリング&カッティングを担当。Listen♪


Stones Taro - Clutch



2018年にNPLGNN's MBEから発表し入手困難になっていた行松陽介のミックステープがパッケージを新装して再発されました!当時、直販以外は一部店舗でしか見かけなかったような。ということで六年越しに行松流和物MIXを聴けることに。Listen♪


Rewind Dubsのジャパニーズ・ダブ復刻シリーズ第三弾は、関西が誇るダブ・マスターHav率いるSoul Fireによる00年代国産ダブ重要盤「Soulfire」(DUB入門に掲載)からのシングルカット&未発表曲をカップリングしての嬉しい7インチ・リリース🔥🔥🔥 Listen♪

naminohana records
営業時間 16:00〜20:00
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