型番 LT016
販売価格 1,990円(税込)

Snow Bone - Protoplanetary (Lobster Theremin) 12inch
【Back in Stock】"Snow Bone returns to Lobster Theremin for his third release, with another EP of uncompromising, hammer-blow techno.

Taking a more shuffle-heavy Detroit-leaning mentality for this EP, but still retaining that tape-crusted edge, Snow Bone explores more of his heaving, modular-esque Detroit-inspired sound, as well as more stripped back rollers.

Shortly after Cult V's cosmic intro it's back to boulder-crushing kicks and bass, all grated over with scattered modem bleeps and trashed up hats. Boston Dynamics takes a pounding Motor City groove and undulates it with layers of shuffling percussion. A robot's interpretation of groove recreated through disused car-assembling machinery.

Title track Protoplanetary revolves around an intoxicating 16 bar DX bell loop popping over jail-break drum programming. Urgent and dastardly, a proper get-away jam for night riders.

Finishing off on a more subtle note, Lost Ancient Language finds itself the lone deep wolf on the EP. A rolling late night drone-techno piece with chipper shaker lines and a lucid gated pad line."

A1 Cult V 6:08

A2 Boston Dynamics 6:26

B1 Protoplanetary 4:54

B2 Lost Ancient Language 5:15

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