型番 P021
定価 2,490円(税込)
販売価格 1,200円(税込)

Nidia Minaj - Nidia E Ma, Nidia E Fudida (Principe) LP
”"One's life has value so long as one attributes value to the life of others, by means of love, friendship, indignation, compassion”, Simone de Beauvoir once offered. Nídia has embraced as much as conducted her path on earth so far by means of her senses and her acute intuition, learning from the positive and negative sides of experience, contemplating the marvel of the human spirit, ever inspired by her own curiosity for the unveiled. Her music sounds to us as the perfect expression of her attitude in life. More than appropriate intro titled "Mulher Profissional". It's a shout of empowerment, setting the pace for what is indeed a highly energized album. Listen closely and you will spot production skills that are beyond the standard of dance music genres, running wild but with a definite sense of purpose. This sounds like Africa taken (further more) into the future by command of a rogue mind - we'll save you the thrill of translating the album's title. The hint of nostalgia possibly detected on a title such as "I Miss My Guetto" is quickly obliterated by a sort of hunger for the future, what's to come, but also what's already bubbling feverishly. It's as if Nídia is hit from every side and everything is so exciting that she just has to incorporate all manner of sights and sounds into her productions. Tracks are kept generally short. They are strong, compact entities that announce the coming of something else - "Biotheke", for example, soundtracks a parade of Tripods if such an event could fit the narrative in "War Of The Worlds".”

A1 Mulher Profissional
A2 Biotheke
A3 Underground
A4 House Musik Dedo
A5 Puro Tarraxo
B1 I Miss My Ghetto
B2 Toma
B3 Brinquedo
B4 É da Banda
B5 Arme
B6 Indian


2024ベスト再発候補。CDリリース当時よく聴いたBOGの個人的殿堂入りアルバムを国産ダブ・バンドに焦点をあてた再発レーベルRewind Dubsが㊗初レコード化。当時を知る人はもちろん若人にも是非聴いて頂きたい先取りクロスオーバーな大阪ダブの名盤。Listen♪

マイメンSKRSのアルバムがこれまた縁深いRiddim Changoからリリースされました🔥🔥今回は主にソウル・ミュージックを解体〜ラガ・サンプルやSEを散りばめたメロウでビート色強めな電子コラージュ〜サンプリング・ミュージックに仕上がっております。これは各方面に聴いてもらいたいやつ。Listen♪

FSOM - Melodia



【再入荷】様々なジャンルでネタにされているSuzanne Vegaの大名曲「Toms Diner」ですが、こちらはエジプトのシンガーがアラビア語でカヴァーし1991年にCDでリリースしたというヴァージョンとのこと。これはわかっちゃいるけど抗えないな、、、 45回転仕様で文句無しの傑作再発。Listen♪


Pocochin Label Tee



naminohana records
営業時間 16:00〜20:00
定休日 日曜日