型番 MEM01
販売価格 2,650円(税込)

Kuzma Palkin - Stadion Sever (Gost Zvuk) LP
”Saint Petersburg-based Kuzma Palkin returns to GOST Zvuk with a new series, Memont. GOST has been expanding its presence for several years through sublabels Instrument and Archive, as well as releases from GOST family members on their own labels. Flaty's experiments can be found on the ANWO label, while OL has issued a number of releases through Asyncro. For Palkin, Memont represents a return to his roots. The artwork for the first release, stadion sever, features the original packaging of Moment universal superglue, something that will be familiar to every Russian who lived through the 1990s. The album is named after the eponymous stadium in Palkin's hometown of Severodvinsk, which is displayed on the back cover. Sever represented a kind of playing field in childhood, but has now come to stand in as a metaphor for daily life. The visual landscape of modern Russian life points back to Sever. Musically, stadion sever is also a return to Palkin's roots. The echoes of early IDM that kickstarted his career in the beginning of the 2000s are on display here. While the music is thoughtful and attentive to detail, traces of irony can be identified among the seriousness, not least in the title of the series and the track synth1 power user. The same ironic touch makes its mark on the album's sound. Palkin borrows the recognizable textures of club music, but drastically modifies their context and transforms them into something altogether more thought-provoking and inscrutable. Palkin's unique sound and the beauty of his music can be found in the balance between retrospection and looking ahead, where austerity meets humour. ”

A1 Intro
A2 Smut Agenda
A3 Reliable Clay
A4 Stadion Sever
B1 Synth1 Power User
B2 Memory Clot
B3 Lahta Continuum
B4 Outro


【Pre-Order】※12月下旬発売予定。「東京発のハウスレーベルMixtacy1番。沖縄〜北海道までパーティーや旅の中で出会った国内のアングラアーティストが集結。スタリングはルーマニアン・ミニマルの雄、ドラグテスク。ダッチプレス180g、45回転仕様。」 Listen♪

2018年にNPLGNN's MBEから発表し入手困難になっていた行松陽介のミックステープがパッケージを新装して再発されました!当時、直販以外は一部店舗でしか見かけなかったような。ということで六年越しに行松流和物MIXを聴けることに。Listen♪

Butter Sessionsからファニーなパーティー・ジャムをリリースしていたMousseことSimon Barry主宰Turning Pointsの初リリース作は、自らのドラミングやスキャットをサンプルした新名義のこれまたファニー&オールドスクールな十吋盤。Listen♪


Rewind Dubsのジャパニーズ・ダブ復刻シリーズ第三弾は、関西が誇るダブ・マスターHav率いるSoul Fireによる00年代国産ダブ重要盤「Soulfire」(DUB入門に掲載)からのシングルカット&未発表曲をカップリングしての嬉しい7インチ・リリース🔥🔥🔥 Listen♪

Akio Nagase - Make Dub CD


話題の書「DUB入門」にデカ枠で紹介されていたアキオ・ナガセによるダブ。テクノ〜クロスオーバー・ダブ重要盤を入手しました🔥🔥🔥 今回改めて聴いたけどやはり最高。個人的ハイライトは昔と変わらず4と8。是非チェックを!Listen♪

naminohana records
営業時間 16:00〜20:00
定休日 日曜日

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