型番 JD002
販売価格 4,450円(税込)

Prince Jammy - Kamikazi Dub (JAMDUNG) LP
”"Kamikaze Dub" by Prince Jammy is undoubtedly one of the most beloved albums by dub music lovers and a record to have in every self-respecting record collection. An album for any time of the day, or season, that never bores and indeed has aged very well always amazes and stimulates. Re-released for JAMDUNG distributed exclusively by KUDOS in limited edition LP from the original master tapes is available again at an affordable price, but hurry! Jamaican Dub music first appeared in the mid-70s under the guidance of the creative master mind, King Tubby. By the late 70s, two of his top co-workers, Scientist and Prince Jammy were ready to branch out on their own, and they did. Jammy's record came out first and that's why "Kamikaze Dub" (1979) is often cited as the album that raised the bar for good. After its release, many Jamaican producers aspired to create the same swirling psychedelic minimal sound that Jammy presented on these near perfect tracks. The musicianship on here is outstanding as well, with other Dub stars taking part such as Sly and Robbie on drums and bass, Augustus Pablo on keyboards, 'Deadly' Headley Bennett and Bobby Ellis on horns, as well as many others. Stunning cover artwork, which, like the album title and songs, is inspired by 1970s Kung Fu Movie Essensial ”

A1 Throne Of Blood
A2 Brothers Of The Blade
A3 Shoalin Temple
A4 Kamikazi
A5 Oragami Black Belt
B1 Fist Of Fury
B2 Opium Den
B3 Swords Of Vengeance
B4 Downtown Shanghai Rock
B5 Waterfront Gang War


bitowa - Septemba EP


【推薦盤】毎度オナジミ八王子発道程レコーズのレーベルから届いた七作目は、「A Cult...」に参加していたbitowaによる浮遊感が気持ちいい、エレクトロニック・ディープハウス逸品。タイムレスな響きあり。今回も名工Poleがマスタリング&カッティングを担当。Listen♪


Stones Taro - Clutch



2018年にNPLGNN's MBEから発表し入手困難になっていた行松陽介のミックステープがパッケージを新装して再発されました!当時、直販以外は一部店舗でしか見かけなかったような。ということで六年越しに行松流和物MIXを聴けることに。Listen♪


Rewind Dubsのジャパニーズ・ダブ復刻シリーズ第三弾は、関西が誇るダブ・マスターHav率いるSoul Fireによる00年代国産ダブ重要盤「Soulfire」(DUB入門に掲載)からのシングルカット&未発表曲をカップリングしての嬉しい7インチ・リリース🔥🔥🔥 Listen♪

naminohana records
営業時間 16:00〜20:00
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